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AllgemeinEuropeFirst MinuteOffers Inspiring Prague

1. Juni 20180

Walking around the Prague is comparable to being in a fairytale: except for one minor detail: it’s real.

Lust for the World

Despite its relatively small size, the Czech capital of Prague is jam-packed with magnificent sights, each endowed with a long and varied history. To make the most of your visit there, make sure to include these 10 attractions in your itinerary.

Vltava River

The Vltava River cuts across Prague’s centre. Jump aboard one of the many tour boats and take in the wonderful sights on both sides of the river while sipping a delicious Czech beer.

Charles Bridge

600 years old, Charles Bridge is one of Prague’s most iconic landmarks. Beautifully decorated with rows of 30 baroque-style statues, it’s a perfect spot for a romantic stroll.

Old Town Square

The Old Town Square in Prague offers a charmingly eclectic mix of architectural styles spanning several centuries – undoubtedly one of Europe’s most beautiful sights.

Discover Czech Beer

True to its reputation, Czech beer is delicious. A newcomer might be confused by the beer’s alcohol content, however. Don’t worry, the numbers given to the beers don’t indicate their alcohol percentage. They refer to the alcohol degree, which is a much more complicated factor. As a rule of thumb, 10 and 12 degrees, the most common, are equivalent to roughly 4% and 5% respectively. Some beers go all the way up to 19 degrees – that’s 8% alcohol!

Try a Czech Hot Dog

Believe it or not, one of Prague’s culinary highlights are its hot dogs. Infinitely superior to their American counterparts, these delicious sausages stuffed in French baguettes offer the best cheap lunch in town. Stalls are peppered throughout the city, just take your pick!

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Inspiring Prague

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